Britney's new video. Blimey. What to say.
Song is fine I guess. Not quite Gimme More or Womanizer but ok.
But this video! It's the worst thing I have seen her release in a long time.
The Gaga slashed leotard, the awful dancing, that really horrible bit where she is hanging from a bar and kind of awkwardly opens her legs. It really is a horror show.
I really really hate the bit where she does that thing with her hands. Where she brings them up to her head and flicks her hair. Bleurgh.
On that note, WHY DOES HER HAIR NEVER LOOK NICE? I don't understand why someone as rich as her continues to get these £2.99 hair extensions that you can buy from those floating stall things they have in shopping centres.

The one bit I do love though, is the product placement at the beginning. Amaze.
It would be nice to have good Britney back. All these awful dance routines and really obvo vocoder things are getting rather boring.
Oh and this picture - amazing. The hair is really making itself known here. She looks like she has had a bowl haircut and then superglued on some Russian prostitute's ratty weave underneath.
Yuck! Did she blow the budget on chips and soda meaning they had to make the video for less than a tenner? i hate it when they can't be arsed to make a set/pay for a location. Its a worrying trend in music videos.
ReplyDeleteI DO like a high pony though. Hope it catches on!
I think the bar dancing was quite original actually. The problem was though, she didn't dance, and every time she did, it cut away. I was genuinely shocked at how good her dancing was on tour, let's not go on about how she mimes, but she can dance. Look at the Circus video, it's AMAZING.
ReplyDeleteThe video is bad though, especially when it could have been so much more, it's like the Radar video. Perfectly average video for a great song. Perhaps they just didn't put the effort in because it's already had it's success in America. Who knows. We in the UK love a good music video. Listen up!
However there's still one more single to be released off of her Greatest Hits so that could produce a better video. Speaking of which Google the cover for her greatest hits. Terrible. TERRIBLE. Even I as a die hard fan cannot defend that trash.
And Stephen...the's not just 'fine''s AMAZING.
'Got a media degree in my Uniqlo jeans'
Human hair extensions often carry the term “Remy hair”. This term has taken many different meanings. Indian Remy Hair extensions are the most popular type of virgin remy hair weave. It is spelled Remy (most popular) or Remi.
ReplyDelete1st thought:
Virgin Indian hair uses the term “Remy” to refer to hair that has been prepared with all cuticles intact and aligned, pointing downward. This is preferred to prevent tangles and allow Virgin Remy hair wearers the flexibility of being able to treat the hair exactly as they would their own. Indian hair without a cuticle cannot be heated, colored, relaxed, etc…
Virgin Indian remy hair, such as that which Wondepot Extensions sells, is revered as the pinnacle of human hair extensions. The industry standard for hair extensions, which you will find in most hair stores, is to boil off the cuticle, soak the hair in acid, then bleach it, color it, and dip it in silicone. The hair is boiled and dipped in acid to disinfect it. This makes it easier for factories to mass produce hair without having to take time to wash each bundle by hand, as Wondepot does. The hair is then bleached to the lightest possible shade and then color is redeposited. Finally, the hair is dipped in silicone to disguise the immense damage that has been done to each strand. The silicone gives the hair a silky finished appearance that wears down quickly, especially if introduced to shampoo or water! Virgin Indian Remy hair treatment is far more gentle than the process described above.
Virgin Remy human hair is hand washed to disinfect it. Then it is sorted through to remove short, inverted and gray strands. The Virgin Indian quality is maintained by hand preparing the hair in every step.
2nd thought:
Some believe that “Remi” in Indian Remi hair is short for the word “remit” which refers to the process in which Indian women and men “remit” their hair to the gods as a thanks or sacrifice.
3rd thought:
Others believe that the term Virgin “Remy” hair or Indian Remy hair is hair that has been gently processed, unlike Virgin hair which is completely unprocessed. The benefit hair that has been gently processes is that the wearer receives a more finished product, as opposed to raw virgin hair. The benefit for true virgin hair is that it is completely unprocessed and therefore the most healthy and versatile.
4th thought:
It is also thought that sellers call hair “Remi” instead of “remy” only when it is not true remy (live aligned cuticle) hair.
Wondepot offers truly virgin Indian Remy hair. Our Virgin Remy human hair is completely unprocessed, and has been carefully prepared by hand to create a finished product that will last a long time if properly cared for.Oder cheap hair extensions with high quality now,many discounts.