Wednesday 30 September 2009

Sarah Brown and the Labour Party

There are very few things I like about the Labour Party. I don't like Gordon Brown, I don't like paying back my student loan and I don't really enjoy all the bowl haircuts the female members of the party seem to get (is it a maintenance thing? YES I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU HARRIET HARMAN).

However, one thing I do like is Sarah Brown. Of course, you could argue that really she has nothing to do with Labour at all, but regardless she is affiliated.

I like how at 45, she has kept her hair long and I like that she is not stick thing. I like that she always seems to wear the same shoes in a different colour and I like that she gets on well with Michelle Obama.

As a gay, I find that I am permanently drawn to strong women (blah blah blah, I know, horrendous cliche etc etc), and when - "if" is looking a tad too optimistic - the Labour party leave power next year, I will be sad to see Sarah go.

Of course, Samantha Cameron is rather great. But there is something quietly knowing about Sarah Brown that I really do enjoy.

That is all.


  1. HMMMM dont really get it cousin ! your adoration of Sarah Brown!!!! ,however my comment is how and why is she married to Gorden Brown, when in my opinion she could do better , maybe its the fact she wears the SAME shoes but in diferent colours I MEAN COME ON has the lady not learn many many shoes in all shapes and colours is a womans progative !!!

  2. I LOVE HER too. Do you follow her on twitter? She's great. GO Sarah Go!
